Performance Management

Performance management is a tool to motivate employees to do their jobs better aligning with corporate objectives . Our performance management products are simple and easy to use.

Performance Mangement

Motivating employee, providing feedback and developing them to attain employee own objective and company objective is the success of performance management. Our Performance Management product is very user friendly and easy to use.

Set goals simple and aligned to company objectives

  • Setting corporate objective is easy and mangers can cascade objectives to their employees.
  • Employee can set goals aligning with company objectives with simple steps.
  • Managers can review goals for multiple employee comparing side by side to make sure all company objectives are met.

Regular employee engagement and provide feedback on right time

  • Employee can send a simple email to performance management to update their goal achievements
  • Mangers can provide regular feedback on employee goals and track the feedback through an email.They can maintain performance review calendar for their departments to manage one to one review meetings.
  • Manager can access performance reports for their employee and take necessary business decisions in helping employee to attach the goals.
  • Integrate with any system to autoupdate employees achievements.

Review employee achievements

  • Manger can easily provide ratings by comparing employees goal achievements side by side.
  • HR business partner and executives can easily review the performance progress by employee, department and organization with analytical reports using a smart tablets.