Compensation Management

Define great compensation plan and communicate your compensation philosophy to your employees and rewards your employee based on pay for performance.

Compensation Management

Companies wants to attract, motivate and retain employees to be successful in achieving the corporate goals. Compensation management is process to systematically providing monetary value to their employees in exchange for work performed.
The compensation will be more effective and successful when defining the right compensation strategy that involves pay-for-performance, job market analysis and Surveys, job evaluation, defining pay structures, compensation plans, Compensation budgets, compensation components such as Salary Increase, Bonus, Stocks. We provide best solution to implement and maintain the compensation management using industry best practice.

Define right compensation plan that suits your business and your compensation philosophy

  • Setting compensation plans like merit increase, bonus, stocks is easy.
  • Use Hay Job Evaluation result for preparing new salary structure and guidelines.
  • Eligibility, new salary structure and compensation guideline setup made simple.
  • Seamless integration with any performance system for final rating.
  • Know your compensation budget with a simple report.
  • System propose compensation plan and amount for your employee based on your company guidelines and compensation philosophy.

Share and communicate compensation plan so employee understand your compensation philosophy

  • Most compensation plan are not well understood by employees.Communicating compensation plan and its details are very critical and can be notified to employee through HR business partner and mangers.
  • Any change to compensation plan are automatically notified to manager and employees.

Compensation process made simple for HR business partner and Managers

  • Manager just need to review and approve the system propose compensation plans and amount, stocks. The approval is done easily using any smart tablets.
  • Manager can easily set up one to one meeting to communication and explain total rewards.
  • Employee view their total compensation statement on any smart tablets.